"Professional Practice for Constructors" by Tristan M. Soltero

College - Author 1

College of Architecture and Environmental Design

Department - Author 1

Construction Management Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Construction Management



Primary Advisor/Subject Matter Expert (SME)

Lonny Simonian, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Construction Management Department


This project based senior project focuses on the creation of a fully online topics course called CM 463: Professional Practice for Constructors. The course itself will be based on the project management body of knowledge and will cover several the chapters either in depth or briefly. A few of the topics introduced throughout the course will be: Project Scope, Project Time, and Project Cost. Although most students may have already touched basis on the subjects throughout the current curriculum, the management perspective of these project essentials are overlooked. While each chapter will be introduced throughout the course, a project lasting the length of the class was created to focus on specific topics. After collecting data from a survey taken by the Construction Management student body here at Cal Poly, four deliverables were created not only placing an emphasis on student interests, but key material that will be important when starting a career as well; the four being: Project Risk (Contract Risk, Jobsite Hazards, & Construction Hazards), Scope & Cost, Schedule & Logistics, and the General Conditions of the project. This class will be available in the Spring of 2018 for the upper division students as an opportunity to gain a career advantage above their peers in the industry.
