College - Author 1
College of Architecture and Environmental Design
Department - Author 1
Construction Management Department
Degree Name - Author 1
BS in Construction Management
Primary Advisor/Subject Matter Expert (SME)
Philip Barlow, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Construction Management Department
Since its inception in 1970, the Occupational Safety and Health Act has steadily decreased the rate in which construction injuries, illnesses, and deaths occur in the industry. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) helps enforce these new standards yet some research suggests that safety performance appears to be a response to safety initiatives beyond compliance. Identifying workers’ perceptions of the training they receive is critical to the design and development of effective workplace safety programs. Utilizing a quantitative survey, data was collected from the Cal Poly Construction Management student body to find out how they were taught jobsite safety and what they found as effective safety training practices during their internships or part-time jobs. The results of this survey showed that construction students understand that jobsite safety training is important, but are indifferent on the effectiveness of their employer’s safety practices. Additionally, students believed that regular safety meetings and toolbox or tailgate talks were the most effective ways they were trained in safety during their employment. The findings of this survey reveal techniques that construction companies can implement to improve the safety and health of their future employees in the industry.
Senior Project Poster