"Two-ply channels for faster wicking in paper-based microfluidic device" by Conor K. Camplisson, Kevin M. Schilling et al.

Author ORCID Identifier

Andres Martinez: 0000-0002-2696-9165


This article describes the development of porous two-ply channels for paper-based microfluidic devices that wick fluids significantly faster than conventional, porous, single-ply channels. The two-ply channels were made by stacking two single-ply channels on top of each other and were fabricated entirely out of paper, wax and toner using two commercially available printers, a convection oven and a thermal laminator. The wicking in paper-based channels was studied and modeled using a modified Lucas–Washburn equation to account for the effect of evaporation, and a paper-based titration device incorporating two-ply channels was demonstrated.


Biochemistry | Chemistry

Number of Pages


Publisher statement

The definitive version is available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C5LC01115A.



URL: https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/chem_fac/54