
Geographic Information System (GIS) is quickly becoming a critical component to develop and sustain asset management for today’s wastewater utilities as most of their data is geographically referenced. This technology offers sophisticated data management and spatial analysis capabilities that can greatly improve and facilitate urban drainage infrastructure modeling and analysis applications. This paper presents a comprehensive GIS-based decision support system that integrates several technologies for use in the effective management of urban stormwater collection systems. It explicitly integrates ESRI ArcGIS geospatial model with advanced hydrologic, hydraulic, and water quality simulation algorithms, nature-based global optimization techniques including genetic algorithms for design and calibration of stormwater management models, automated dry weather flow generation and allocation, and automated subcatchment delineation and parameter extraction tools to address every facet of urban drainage infrastructure management. The geocentric interface allows seamless communication among the various modules. The resulting decision support system effortlessly reads GIS datasets, extracts necessary modeling information, and automatically constructs, loads, designs, calibrates, analyzes and optimizes a representative urban drainage model considering hydrologic and hydraulic performance requirements. It also makes it easy to run, simulate and compare various modeling scenarios, identify system deficiencies, and determine cost-effective physical and operational improvements to achieve optimum performance and regulatory compliance. These combined capabilities provide favorable geospatial environment to assist wastewater utilities in planning, designing, and operating reliable systems and in optimizing their capital improvement programs.


Civil and Environmental Engineering



URL: https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/cenv_fac/274