"Nutrient Removal & Greenhouse Gas Abatement with CO<sub>2</sub> Supple" by Ian Woertz, Laura Fulton et al.


High rate algae ponds fed clarified domestic wastewater and CO2-rich flue gas are expected to remove nutrients to concentrations similar to those achieved in mechanical treatment technologies, such as activated sludge. However, the energy intensity of wastewater treatment with CO2-supplemented high rate ponds (HRPs) would be less than that of mechanical treatments. In conjunction with anaerobic digestion of algal biomass and co-substrates, the algae-based system would produce a substantial excess of electricity. Greenhouse gas abatement from such CO2-HRP/digestion systems would stem mainly from energy conservation and the offset of fossil fuel electricity with biogas-derived electricity. Laboratory experiments showed nutrient removals of >98% for ammonium and >96% for phosphorus with mixed culture microalgae grown on CO2-supplemented primary wastewater effluent. An engineering numerical model for CO2-HRP/digestion facilities (based in part on large-scale algae production under southern California conditions) indicates a potential energy surplus of 330 kWh/ML (1,200 kWh/MG) from biogas-derived electricity, compared to the net energy consumption of about 760 kWh/ML (2,900 kWh/MG) at typical activated sludge facilities with nitrification/denitrification. Considering the net electricity production and energy savings of the CO2-HRP/digestion systems, a greenhouse gas abatement potential of 660 kg CO2eq/ML (2,500 kg CO2eq/MG) treated is expected for a 100-ha facility treating 20 MGD.


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Publisher statement

Reprinted with permission from Proceedings of WEFTEC® 09, the 82nd Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference,

Orlando Florida, October 10-14, 2009.



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