"Engineering the World: Hands-on Experimentation for Civil Engineering " by James L. Hanson, Donald D. Carpenter et al.


This paper details the development and application of a community outreach program designed to teach children about math, science, and the world in which they live. The program was titled “Engineering the World” and emphasized civil engineering applications. The program was offered in an inner-city middle school in Detroit, Michigan. The program was developed by civil engineering professors at Lawrence Technological University with the assistance of undergraduate engineering students. The activities were categorized by civil engineering discipline including construction, environmental, geotechnical, hydraulics, structural, surveying, and transportation. The paper describes details of several of the hands-on experiments and provides an assessment of the program including suitability of the activities for this age group. The activities were generally well received by the students. Recommendations for similar outreach programs are provided.


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Number of Pages




URL: https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/cenv_fac/139