"Low Technology Recycling and RDF System at the U.S. Facility, Subic Ba" by Samuel A. Vigil and Donald E. Brunner


The U.S. Facility Subic Bay is located about 50 miles east of Manila, on the East China Sea. The Facility consists of seven major Naval installations. The Facility is essentially a large commercial/industrial complex. The Public Works Center (PWC) Subic Bay is the public works agency responsible for the collection and disposal of the solid waste produced by the facility. A portion of the solid waste is manually sorted and recycled. Although the present manual sorting and recycling system is effective, PWC Subic Bay feels that it can be improved. Therefore , the Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory (NCEL) was requested to study the system and recommend improvements.


Civil and Environmental Engineering



URL: https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/cenv_fac/12