Office of the Dean (CENG) Scholarship | College of Engineering | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo


Submissions from 2005


System Identification of Base-Isolated Building using Seismic Response Data, T. Furukawa, M. Ito, K. Izawa, and Mohammad N. Noori

Submissions from 2004


Identification of Hysteretic Systems With Slip Using Bootstrap Filter, S. J. Li, Yoshiyuki Suzuki, and Mohammad N. Noori


Improvement Of Parameter Estimation for Non-Linear Hysteretic Systems With Slip By A Fast Bayesian Bootstrap Filter, S. J. Li, Yoshiyuki Suzuki, and Mohammad N. Noori


An intelligent parameter varying (IPV) approach for non-linear system identification of base excited structures, Soheil Saadat, Gregory D. Buckner, Tadatoshi Furukawa, and Mohammad N. Noori


Structural health monitoring and damage detection using an intelligent parameter varying (IPV) technique, Soheil Saadat, Mohammad N. Noori, Gregory D. Buckner, Tadatoshi Furukawa, and Yoshiyuki Suzuki

Submissions from 2002


Estimation of Wind Load on Structures, Soheil Saadat, Fuh-Gwo Yuan, Mohammad N. Noori, and Gregory D. Buckner

Submissions from 2000


Random vibration studies of an SDOF system with shape memory restoring force, L. Duval, Mohammad N. Noori, Z. Hou, H. Davoodi, and S. Seelecke


Operator Split Technique Applied to Random Vibration of Smart SDOF Mechanical Systems, L. Duval, Mohammad N. Noori, and M. A. Savi


Direct Stochastic Equivalent Linearization of SDOF Smart Mechanical System, L. Duval, Mohammad N. Noori, and S. Seelecke


Wavelet-Based Approach for Structural Damage Detection, Z. Hou, Mohammad N. Noori, and R. St. Amand

Submissions from 1999


Letters to the Editor: Filtering Property of a Lightly Damped System, Subjected to Transient Excitation, M. F. Dimentberg and Mohammad N. Noori


Discovery of Design Methodologies, Cirrus Shakeri, David C. Brown, and Mohammad N. Noori

Submissions from 1998


Stability and Performance of Feedback Control Systems with Time Delays, M. S. Ali, Z. K. Hou, and Mohammad N. Noori


Discovering Methodologies for Integrated Product Design, Cirrus Shakeri, David C. Brown, and Mohammad N. Noori

Submissions from 1997


A Model For General Periodic Excitation With Random Disturbance and its Application, Y. K. Zhou, Z. K. Hou, M. F. Dimentberg, and Mohammad N. Noori

Submissions from 1996


Random Response to Periodic Excitation with Correlated Disturbances, Zhikun Hou, Yunshen Zhou, Mikhail F. Dimentberg, and Mohammad N. Noori

Submissions from 1992


Application of an Itô-based approximation method to random vibration of a pinching hysteretic system, Mohammad N. Noori, Mark D. Padua, and Hamid Davoodi