
This report describes work performed by the Collaborative Agent Design Research Center (CADRC) over the past several years in the design and implementation of collaborative, computer-based, decision-support systems, mostly for military applications. In these systems multiple components, either program modules or separate processes (i.e., software agents), cooperate with each other and human decision makers to solve complex problems. The components are essentially of two types: knowledge-based narrow domain experts that provide services to other agents (i.e., service-agents); and, more autonomous agents (i.e., object-agents) that represent the interests of selected objects in high level information representation schemas.

Based on the notion that all computer programs are essentially agents, the report traces the evolution of 1st and 2nd Wave software from single agent, stand-alone decision-support applications to integrated, collaborative, distributed, multi-agent decision-support systems. Several multi-agent decision-support systems developed by the CADRC over past years are described. These include: ICODES (Integrated Computerized Deployment System) for ship load planning; CIAT (Collaborative Infrastructure Assessment Tool) for facilities management; FEAT (Force Employment Analysis Tool) for military planning and engagement coordination, and KOALA (Knowledge-Oriented Object-Agent Collaboration) for architectural space planning.


Software Engineering



URL: https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/cadrc/2