
This report describes work performed by CDM Technologies Inc. in conjunction with the Collaborative Agent Design (CAD) Research Center of California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly), San Luis Obispo, for the Office of Naval Research (ONR), on the SEAWAY experimental system for planning, gaming and executing maritime logistic operations from a sea base. SEAWAY incorporates three fundamental concepts that distinguish it from existing (i.e., legacy) command and control applications. First, it is a collaborative system in which computer-based agents assist human operators by monitoring, analyzing and reasoning about events in near real-time. Second, SEAWAY includes an ontological model of the sea base that represents the behavioral characteristics and relationships among real world entities such as sea base ships, inbound supply ships, supplies and equipment, infrastructure objects (terrain, intermediate embarkation ports, supply points, roads, and rivers), and abstract notions. This object model provides the essential common language that binds all SEAWAY components into an integrated and adaptive decision-support system. Third, SEAWAY provides no ready made solutions that may not be applicable to the problems that will occur in the real world. Instead, the agents represent a powerful set of tools that together with the human operators can adjust themselves to the problem situations that cannot be predicted in advance. In this respect, SEAWAY is an adaptive logistic command and control system that supports planning, execution and training functions concurrently. SEAWAY is an experimental maritime logistic decision-support system that is intended to provide near real-time adaptive command and control in sustaining joint forces from the sea during contingencies. It is based on satisfying the dynamic requirements of joint forces operating ashore, with the ability to provide: offload planning and dynamic re-planning; visibility on all items en route by sea and warehoused at the sea base; track and respond to the dynamic logistic support requirements cycle originating with the supported force ashore; coordinate and control the ship-to-shore ship-to-objective, and ship-to-unit delivery of supplies ashore through a near real-time transport composite operational picture; track supplies and execute reorder; and, provide a full range of warehousing and cargo churning functions aboard the ships of the sea base.


Software Engineering



URL: https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/cadrc/14