Volume 5, Issue 4 (1989) Fall
Front Matter
The Death of the Animal: Ontological Vulnerability
Kenneth Joel Shapiro
Animal Models in 'Exemplary' Medical Research: Diabetes as a Case Study
James Lindemann Nelson
Dreaming Eden
Kathleen Malley
Comment on James Nelson's "Animals in 'Exemplary' Medical Research: Diabetes as a Case Study"
Lawrence Finsen
Ethical Similarities in Human and Animal Social Structure
William J. Ellos
"Taking Hands"
Paulette Callen
With Justice For All Beings: Educating As If Nature Matters
Michael J. Cohen
Jewish Prayer Service World Week of Prayer for Animals
Harold S. White
The Old Man and the Bear
Paulette Callen
Autobiography of A Revolutionary
Roberta Kalechofsky
Back Matter