Volume 5, Issue 3 (1989) Summer
Front Matter
The Responsible Use of Animals in Biomedical Research
Edwin Converse Hettinger
Treating Animals Naturally?
Holmes Rolston III
Is Nature Ever Unaesthetic?
Earle J. Coleman
Campfire Talk
"Environmental Justice"
Holmes Rolston III
The Subway Mouse
Paulette Callen
Concentric Circle Pluralism: A Response to Rolston
Peter S. Wenz
The "Values" of Sentient Beings
Michael W. Fox
Hartshorne and the Metaphysics of Animal Rights
Judith Barad
To Rectify an Amoral Design
Maria Comninou
What A Jew Should Do
Roberta Kalechofsky
Letter to the Editors
Richard H. Schwartz
Christ, The Animist
George Abbe
The World is Too Much With Us
William Wodsworth
St. Martin's Summer
Jon Wynne-Tyson