Volume 10, Issue 3 (1994) Special Double Issue: Numbers 3 & 4
Front Matter
Keeping the Human Spirit Alive
John A. Hoyt
The Mental Life of Some Animals
Mark Rowlands
Deep Community: Phenomenology's Disclosure of the Common Good
H. Peter Steeves
Paradigm Shifts, Scientific Revolutions and the Moral Justification of Experimentation on Nonhuman Animals
Judith A. Boss and Alyssa V. Boss
Henry David Thoreau: Deep Ecologist?
Don Mortland
The Ultimate Oxymoron
Mary Sternberg
Review of: The Foundations of Bioethics
Paola Cavalieri
Night of the Animals: A Christmas Eve Reading/Liturgy
Paulette Callen
Time As Asymmetrical and Animal Rights: An Autobiography
Daniel A. Dombrowski
Back Matter