College - Author 1

College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences

Department - Author 1

BioResource and Agricultural Engineering Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Agricultural Systems Management



Primary Advisor

Franklin Gaudi


This project encompassed the evaluation and recommendations for a solid set sprinkler system. This project will determined the distribution uniformity for an existing solid set sprinkler system located on Hirashima Berry Farms. After the evaluation was complete modifications were suggested to the farmer in order to lower watering costs during pre-irrigation and provide salt leaching. The results from the system evaluation show that the current system distribution uniformity is 0.69. The following recommendations and conditions were assumed; normal pre-irrigation practices, an EC threshold of 2.0 dS/m for strawberries, a leaching requirements of 0.15, and an improved DU to 0.80. With these assumptions, the cost analysis demonstrates that the farmer could save about $250/year for the 12 acre plot.
