College - Author 1

College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences

Department - Author 1

BioResource and Agricultural Engineering Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in BioResource and Agricultural Engineering



Primary Advisor

Daniel Howes


This senior project discusses the design and implementation procedures for an irrigation system for Meyer lemons. The irrigation system is designed from an economical standpoint incorporating limitations set by the ranch manager such as the use of existing pipe lines and emitter selection preference. Within this project there are the steps taken to ensure a healthy crop utilizing the data and advice collected from other fields and their managers in the same area.

The entire field is run as a single set with two manifolds to supply the Western and Eastern ends of the field. A total of 555 trees are able to fit on this 3.5 acre plot with a single drip hose running on each row to supply water to each tree with four emitters per tree.

MeyerPlot.xlsx (283 kB)
Appendix A: Design Calculations
