College - Author 1
College of Engineering
Department - Author 1
Biomedical Engineering Department
Degree Name - Author 1
BS in Biomedical Engineering
Primary Advisor
Michael Whitt
This document contains all information pertinent to the creation of the desired product and how the desired product fulfills the problem statement. This document clearly defines the customer requirements and how they relate to engineering specifications, metrics that will define the boundaries that the desired product must lie within. This document will then reveal all concepts that were considered during the design phase of this project and how those concepts were compared. This includes all quantitative parameters that provided a clear front-runner concept and the rationale for those parameters and the values and weight assigned to them.
Then this document moves to the prototyping phase of the project. This includes safety considerations, the different iterations of the prototypes, and how the prototypes were tested. All the rationale for how the prototypes will be tested and why those tests are important are found in this document.
At the end of this document is a list of many useful tools that aided in the completion of this project. These include the budget, the project plan, the resources, the FMEA, the design history file, and more.