College - Author 1

College of Engineering

Department - Author 1

Biomedical and General Engineering Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Biomedical Engineering



Primary Advisor

Trevor Cardinal


Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which insulin hormone is ineffective or no longer produced. Multiple pathophysiologies can cause either insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) or insulin independent diabetes mellitus (IIDM), which can lead to chronic hyperglycemia and an array of short and long term health risks. Prior research has shown that IDDM patients have dyslipidemia, and experiments infusing lipids directly into the blood result in heightened insulin resistance. The hypothesis that dyslipidemia increases insulin resistance was tested by performing oral glucose tolerance tests across three treatment conditions. Participants were nondiabetic college-aged students. Data from a control group was gathered and analyzed against a lipid and carbohydrate treatment. The lipid group showed the greatest increase in glucose level at any single time period, but the carbohydrate group remained steadily elevated throughout the three hour testing window. Analysis of the data showed the only significant difference existed between the carbohydrate and dextrose treatments, meaning the original hypothesis could not be supported. For future testing, it is recommended that each test group contain all the same subjects and a longer fasting period is given after the carbohydrate treatment is consumed. The research and experiments were condensed into a lab protocol so students enrolled in BMED 460 may further extend their knowledge of diabetes and help lead the future of treatment and device innovation.
