College - Author 1

College of Engineering

Department - Author 1

Biomedical Engineering Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Biomedical Engineering

College - Author 2

College of Engineering

Department - Author 2

Biomedical Engineering Department

Degree - Author 2

BS in Biomedical Engineering

College - Author 3

College of Engineering

Department - Author 3

Biomedical Engineering Department

Degree - Author 3

BS in Biomedical Engineering



Primary Advisor

Britta Berg-Johansen, College of Engineering, Biomedical Engineering Department


This project aimed to repair and upgrade a vibration table used for package testing for the sponsor, Eagle Medical - a medical packaging and sterilization company based in Paso Robles, California. The current vibration table is not programmable and lacks circuit diagrams, making it difficult to repair. In addition, it is not functional due to internal circuitry issues and power requirements. To address these issues, the team will implement several upgrades to improve the product and allow for better random cyclic vibration testing. A full assessment of the existing vibration table will be conducted to ensure the viability of these proposed modifications for a successful outcome. The document provides information on the project's background, objectives, and project management, including the design process, project timeline, and Gantt chart. Additionally, the document will provide information regarding our morphology, conceptual designs/evaluation, and failure analysis. This document also includes the detailed design, manufacturing plans, testing plans, and testing data/analysis, and instructions for use. We followed a 5-phase design process typically employed in industry: product discovery, project planning, product definition, conceptual design, and product development. During the Winter Quarter, we went through the first 4 phases, and all of Spring Quarter was spent in product development. In product discovery, we identified the needs of Eagle Medical and investigated other vibration tables on the market. During project planning, we mapped out our key deadlines using a Gantt chart. In product definition, we created the scope of the project and began creating our engineering specifications. In conceptual design, we took those specifications and started evaluating possible concepts using morphology. During product development, we built our prototype and tested it against our engineering specifications. The key customer requirements were that the new vibration table vibrates according to given standards, outputs frequency data, has vibration schedules, uses microcontrollers, has easily accessible data, updated/reliable electronics, and has a human-machine interface. The customer additionally wanted a circuit diagram, an easily serviceable table, and asked that we salvaged as much of the old table as possible. Our test plan revealed key results. The aesthetic satisfaction scored a 10. The vibration table achieved our max vibration goal of 18 m/s^2. We showed that the vibration table does have accurate control of the rotations per minute. We also showed that the motor wire temperature did not change, indicating that our wires are properly specified. We showed that the power supply had very little variance, so our electronics should be safe from voltage spikes. We showed that it takes approximately 5.2 seconds to upload a vibration test. We also showed that the emergency stop works with 100% certainty. Finally, we performed GUI unit testing and all units passed.
