"Human knee joint finite element model using a two bundle anterior cruc" by Nicholas A. Czapla, Meghan K. Sylvia et al.


Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) deficient individuals are at a much higher risk of developing osteoarthritis (OA) compared to those with intact ACLs, likely due to altered biomechanical loading [1]. Research indicates the ACL is comprised of two “bundles”, the anteromedial (AM) and posterolateral (PL) bundles [2]. Although the function of both bundles is to restrain anterior tibial translation (ATT), each bundle has their own distinct range of knee flexion where they are most effective [3].

Articular cartilage contact stress measurements are difficult to measure in vivo. An alternative approach is to use knee joint finite element models (FEMs) to predict soft tissue stresses and strains throughout the knee. Initial and boundary conditions for these FEMs may be determined from knee joint kinematics estimated from motion analysis experiments. However, there is a lack of knee joint FEMs which include both AM and PL bundles to predict changes to articular cartilage contact pressures resulting from ACL injuries. The purpose of this study is to develop and validate a knee joint FEM using both AM and PL bundles and subsequently perform a gait analysis of varying ACL injuries.


Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering

Number of Pages




URL: https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/bmed_fac/86