"Water Fun at Exploration Station" by Nicholas Runyan, Raymond Morales et al.

Completion Date



Sarah Harding


H20 Innovations is comprised of three California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly) engineering seniors: Nicholas Runyan (Mechanical Engineering), Raymond Morales (Mechanical Engineering), and Heriberto Rodriguez (Computer Engineering). For our senior project, we are working with the Exploration Station to bring an engaging and educational new exhibit to their visitors. The Exploration Station is a nonprofit children's science museum located in Grover Beach, California, catering to large groups of students and families during its hours of operation on Thursday through Sunday. They take much pride in the quality and quantity offun and interactive science exhibits within their building --once the location ofthe Grover Beach fire station. The Scientific Exhibit Committee at the Exploration Station would like to see the current (not in use) water exhibit on display in front of their facility either redesigned and renovated, or completely replaced with a new interactive and educational water feature exhibit. This funding proposal will include a brief snapshot of the background research completed, our work plan moving forward, important dates and deadlines during the design process, as well as a description ofhow funding from Baker-Koob would help us to carry out our senior project with the Exploration Station.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
