College - Author 1

College of Science and Mathematics

Department - Author 1

Biological Sciences Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Biological Sciences



Primary Advisor

Francis Villablanca; College of Science and Mathematics; Biological Sciences


The State of California, as of 2002, identified the Purple Martin as a bird species of Special Concern (Airola et al., 2003). These migrants were historically found in a unique habitat in Central California; nesting in natural cavities of Western Sycamores within Riparian Habitats. I am proposing that Purple Martins still successfully nest and brood young in this unique habitat in San Luis Obispo County. The primary study site is in Atascadero where Highway 41 meets San Gabriel Road and San Gabriel Road crosses Atascadero creek. The secondary site is Highway 58 in Santa Margarita where the highway crosses the Salinas River. After making observations from March 15th, 2009 to June 15th, 2009, Purple Martins were only confirmed present at the secondary site. The primary site in Atascadero had confirmed nesting in four separate cavities in Western Sycamores.
