Theses/Project Reports from 2012
Comparing the Demographics of Two Steelhead Populations and Their Habitat Characteristics, Eileen Ann Baglivio
House Finches, Carpodacus mexicanus: Hormones, Stress, and Song Control Regions, Katherine Olivia Ganster
Mapping Plant Biodiversity Hotspots at the County Scale: A New Tool for Establishing Resource Conservation Strategies, Kristie Haydu
The Proteomic Response of Sea Squirts (Genus Ciona Congeners) to Hyposalinity Stress, James S. Koman
American Pika (Ochotona princeps): Persistence and Activity Patterns in a Changing Climate, Cody P. Massing
Landbird Response to Fine-Scale Habitat Characteristics Within Riparian Forests of the Central California Coast, Ronald E. Melcer Jr.
An Analysis of Human Disturbance to Rocky Intertidal Communities of San Luis Obispo County, Grant Tyler Waltz
Seasonal Food Habits of Burrowing Owls (Athene cunicularia) in Human-Altered Landscapes, Carie Marie Wingert
Theses/Project Reports from 2011
PCR Primers for the Detection of Propane and Butane-Oxidizing Microorganisms, Brian Jeremy Chan
Effects of Season, Size and Parasitism by the Acanthocephalan, Profilicollis altmani, on the Carotenoid Concentration and Composition of the Pacific Mole Crab, Emerita analoga, Lauren F. Constancio
Molecular Analysis Reveals Unique Microbiome in Ileal Pouch During Pouchitis Compared to Healthy Pouches in Ulcerative Colitis and Familial Adenomatous Polyposis, Tiffany Wallingford Glavan
Living with Emerging Contaminants: Proteomics of 4-Nonylphenol Exposed Arrow Goby (Clevelandia ios), Sarah Emily Johnson
Investigating the Roles of NDJ1 and TID1 in Crossover Assurance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Rianna Knowles
Factors Influencing Ectoparasitism on Western Fence Lizards (Sceloporus occidentalis): Host Sex, Testosterone, Reproductive Condition, and Behavior, Nicholas B. Pollock
Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Communities and Co-occurring Species in Relation to Near Shore Ocean Dynamics in San Luis Bay, California, Samuel Christopher Rankin
The Proteomic Response of Sea Squirts (Genus Ciona Congeners) to Heat Stress: Evidence for Differential Thermal Sensitivities, Loredana Serafini
Classifying and Mapping Diversity in a Species-Poor System: The Mangrove Meta-Community of Laguna Chacahua National Park, Oaxaca, Mexico, Elizabeth Kay Weisgerber
Quantification of Nitrate Sources and Sinks Using a Water Quality Network in Morro Bay Estuary, California, Johanna Nadia Jean Weston
Theses/Project Reports from 2010
Temperature Affects Adhesion of the Acorn Barnacle (Balanus amphitrite), Laurel A. Johnston
Meiotic Insurance: Designing a System to Study Crossover Control in Yeast, Kate V. Karfilis
Development of a Novel Plasmid-Based Gene Integration System for Lactobacillus reuteri for the Persistent Treatment of Celiac Disease, Jeremy Keith Labarge
Movement of Selected Nearshore Temperate Reef Fishes Along California's Central Coast, Leslie Jaye Longabach