Biological Sciences | College of Science and Mathematics | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Biological Sciences Department faculty research and scholarly activities reflect the social and cultural relevance of their work. Faculty are continuously engaged in projects funded by private, state and federal agencies, including the National Science Foundation, Office of Naval Research and the National Institutes of Health. Robust faculty research programs provide opportunities for co-authorship with colleagues, domestically and internationally, and with Cal Poly graduate and undergraduate students.

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Submissions from 2010


Small Heat Shock Protein Responses Differ between Chaparral Shrubs from Contrasting Microclimates, Charles A. Knight


On the Relationship between Pollen Size and Genome Size, Charles A. Knight, Rachel B. Clancy, Lars Götzenberger, Leighton Dann, and Jeremy M. Beaulieu


Identification of multiple vasotocin receptor cDNAs in teleost fish: Sequences, phylogenetic analysis, sites of expression, and regulation in the hypothalamus and gill in response to hyperosmotic challenge, Sean C. Lema


Diurnal rhythms of behavior and brain mRNA expression for arginine vasotocin, isotocin, and their receptors in wild Amargosa pupfish (Cyprinodon nevadensis amargosae), Sean C. Lema, Lauren J. Wagstaff, and Nina M. Gardner


The Relationship between Plasma Steroid Hormone Concentrations and the Reproductive Cycle in the Northern Pacific Rattlesnake, Crotalus oreganus, Craig M. Lind, Jerry F. Husak, Cas Eikenaar, Ignacio T. Moore, and Emily N. Taylor


The evolution of seeds, Ada Linkies, Kai Graeber, Charles A. Knight, and Gerhard Leubner-Metzger


Body Size and Social Dominance Influence Breeding Dispersal in Male Pachydiplax longipennis (Odonata), Shannon McCauley


Foraging Rates of Larval Dragonfly Colonists Are Positively Related to Habitat Isolation: Results from a Landscape-Level Experiment, Shannon J. McCauley, Tomas Brodin, and John Hammond


Notonecta Exhibit Threat-Sensitive, Predator-Induced Dispersal, Shannon J. McCauley and Locke Rowe


FLOWERING LOCUS C Influences the Timing of Shoot Maturation in Arabidopsis thaliana, Laurie Mentzer, Tarah Yee, Tina Y. Wang, and Edward Himelblau


Correlated Evolution of Defensive and Nutritional Traits in Native and Non-Native Plants, Nicole Molinari and Charles A. Knight


Integrated measurements of acoustical and optical thin layers II: Horizontal length scales, Mark A. Moline, Kelly J. Benoit-Bird, Ian C. Robbins, Maddie Schroth-Miller, Chad M. Waluk, and Brian Zelenke


Grand Challenges in Comparative Physiology: Integration Across Disciplines and Across Levels of Biological Organization, Donald L. Mykles, Cameron K. Galambor, Jonathon H. Stillman, and Lars Tomanek


Effects of Yogurt Starter Cultures on the Survival of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Elizabeth W. Ng, Marie Yeung, and Phillip S. Tong


Meeting the Challenges: The Western Section's Role in Developing Tomorrow's Resource Management Professionals, John D. Perrine


Sierra Nevada Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes necator): A Conservation Assessment, John D. Perrine, Lori A. Campbell, and Gregory A. Green


Effects of Testosterone and Captivity on Medial and Dorsal Cortex Volumes and Neurogenesis in Adult Male Western Fence Lizards, Sceloporus occidentalis, D. R. Pfau, S. Y. Potter, D. F. Denardo, E. N. Taylor, and C. R. Strand


Vascular Plants of Adjacent Serpentine and Granite Outcrops on the Deer Isles, Maine, U.S.A, Nathaniel S. Pope, Tanner B. Harris, and Nishanta Rajakaruna


North American montane red foxes: expansion, fragmentation, and the origin of the Sacramento Valley red fox, Benjamin N. Sacks, Mark J. Statham, John D. Perrine, Samantha M. Wisely, and Keith B. Aubry


How Do Polar Marine Ecosystems Respond to Rapid Climate Change?, Oscar Schofield, Hugh W. Ducklow, Douglas G. Martinson, Michael P. Meredith, Mark A. Moline, and William R. Fraser


Bacteria - The Last Stronghold of Lamarckism?, William D. Stansfield


Layered Organization in the Coastal Ocean: An Introduction to Planktonic Thin Layers and the LOCO Project, James M. Sullivan, D. Van Holliday, Malcolm McFarland, Margaret A. McManus, Olivia M. Cheriton, Kelly J. Benoit-Bird, Louis Goodman, Zhankun Wang, John P. Ryan, Mark Stacey, Charles Greenlaw, and Mark A. Moline


Hormones and Reproductive Cycles in Snakes, Emily N. Taylor and Dale F. Denardo


The Role of Oxidative Stress in Setting Thermal Tolerance Limits in Mytilus, Lars Tomanek


Variation in the Heat Shock Response and its Implication for Predicting the Effect of Global Climate Change on Species' Biogeographical Distribution Ranges and Metabolic Costs, Lars Tomanek