Biological Sciences | College of Science and Mathematics | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Biological Sciences Department faculty research and scholarly activities reflect the social and cultural relevance of their work. Faculty are continuously engaged in projects funded by private, state and federal agencies, including the National Science Foundation, Office of Naval Research and the National Institutes of Health. Robust faculty research programs provide opportunities for co-authorship with colleagues, domestically and internationally, and with Cal Poly graduate and undergraduate students.

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Submissions from 2006


Interspecific Variation in Patterns of Adhesion of Marine Fouling to Silicone Surfaces, Eric R. Holm, Christopher J. Kavanagh, Anne E. Meyer, Deborah Wiebe, Brian T. Nedved, Dean Wendt, Celia M. Smith, Michael G. Hadfield, Geoff Swain, Christina D. Wood, Kathryn Truby, Judith Stein, and Jean Montemarano


Vibrio parahaemolyticus Growth under Low-Iron Conditions and Survival under High-Magnesium Conditions, Chia-Hsin Ju, P.S. Marie Yeung, Jessica Oesterling, Daniel A. Seigerman, and Kathryn J. Boor


Environmental rearing conditions produce forebrain differences in wild Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, R. L. Kihslinger, Sean C. Lema, and G. A. Nevitt


Expression profiling and local adaptation of Boechera holboellii populations for water use efficiency across a naturally occurring water stress gradient, Charles A. Knight, Heiko Vogel, Juergen Kroymann, Alice Shumate, Hanneke Witsenboer, and Thomas Mitchell-Olds


The effects of carotenoid and food availability on resistance to a naturally occurring parasite (Gyrodactylus turnbulli) in guppies (Poecilia reticulata), Gita R. Kolluru, Gregory F. Grether, Sandra H. South, Eric Dunlop, Andrea Cardinali, Linda Liu, and Andreah Carapiet


The effects of carotenoid and food intake on caudal fin regeneration in male guppies, Gita R. Kolluru, N. C. Ruiz, N. Del Cid, Eric Dunlop, and Gregory F. Grether


Population divergence in plasticity of the AVT system and its association with aggressive behaviors in a Death Valley pupfish, Sean C. Lema


Testing an ecophysiological mechanism of morphological plasticity in pupfish and its relevance to conservation efforts for endangered Devils Hole pupfish, Sean C. Lema and Gabrielle A. Nevitt


The Effects of Dispersal and Recruitment Limitation on Community Structure of Odonates in Artificial Ponds, Shannon J. McCauley


Biodegradation and Toxicity of Hydrocarbons along Vertical Transects in a Groundwater Plume, Yarrow M. Nelson, Andrew Lassen, Christopher L. Kitts, Paul Lundegrad, and Gonzalo Garcia


Lassen Volcanic National Park Small Vertebrate Inventory Project: Preliminary Results 2000-2004, John D. Perrine


Phytoremediation: An Affordable Green Technology for the Clean-Up of Metal-Contaminated Sites in Sri Lanka, Nishanta Rajakaruna, Kathleen M. Tompkins, and Peter G. Pavicevic


Improved monitoring of HABs using autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV), Ian C. Robbins, G. J. Kirkpatrick, Shelley M. Blackwell, J. Hillier, Charles A. Knight, and Mark A. Moline


Spatial Variation in the Chemical Composition of Natal Otholiths from a Reef Fish in the Galápagos Islands, Benjamin I. Ruttenberg and Robert R. Warner


Vertical Migration of the Toxic Dinoflagellate Karenia Brevis and the Impact on Ocean Optical Properties, Oscar Schofield, John Kerfoot, Kevin Mahoney, Mark A. Moline, Matthew Oliver, Steven Lohrenz, and Gary Kirkpatrick


Winter Profile of Plasma Sex Steroid Levels in Free-Living Male Western Diamond-Backed Rattlesnakes, Crotalus atrox (Serpentes: Viperidae), Gordon W. Schuett, Roger A. Repp, Emily N. Taylor, Dale F. DeNardo, Ryan L. Earley, Edward A. Van Kirk, and William J. Murdoch


Book Review: Evolution in Four Dimensions by Eva Jablonka and Marion J. Lamb, William D. Stansfield


Luther Burbank: Honorary Member of the American Breeders' Association, William D. Stansfield


Textbooks: Expectations vs. Reality: The DNA Story, William D. Stansfield


The Ball Lightning Conundrum, William D. Stansfield


The Enigma of Coral Castle, William D. Stansfield


Rockfish Resources of the South Central California Coast: Analysis of the Resource From Partyboat Data, 1980-2005, John Stephens, Dean Wendt, Debra Wilson-Vandenberg, Jay Carroll, Royden Nakamura, Erin Nakada, Steven Reinecke, and Jono Wilson


Using Latent Effects to Determine the Ecological Importance of Dissolved Organic Matter to Marine Invertebrates, Dean E. Wendt and Collin H. Johnson


Factors That Influence Elastomeric Coating Performance: The Effect of Coating Thickness on Basal Plate Morphology, Growth and Critical Removal Stress of the Barnacle Balanus amphitrite, D. E. Wendt, G. L. Kowalke, J. Kim, and I. L. Singer

Submissions from 2005


Complete genome sequence of the probiotic lactic acid bacterium Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM, Eric Altermann, W. Michael Russell, M. Andrea Azcarate- Peril, Rodolphe Barrangou, B. Logan Buck, Olivia McAuliffe, Nicole Souther, Alleson Dobson, Tri Duong, Michael Callanan, Sonja Lick, Alice Hamrick, Raul J. Cano, and Todd R. Klaenhammer