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Published in Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, Volume 18, Issue 1, March 1, 1988, pages 30-42.
An incomplete, disarticulated skull (USNM 375733) is described and referred to Makaira sp., d. M. nigricalls, and a rostrum, tIstiophonls call'ertensis Berry. 1917 (USNM 9344. holotype). is re-identified as IstiopllOrus sp., cf. I. platypterus. Both specimens are from the Eastover Formation (early late Miocene, Virginia) and are the oldest records in. deposits bordering the western North Atlantic Ocean. Istioplwrus sp.. cf. I. p/atvpterus (= tlstiophorus ca/vertensls ) IS the oldest record of the specIes. Based on ecological requirements of Recent species. the prescnce of Istiophorus sp., cL I. p/arypterus and Makaira sp., cf. M. nigricans in the Eastover Formation indicates that deep, warm water probably eXisted at or near the collection sites for at least part of the year.
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