Recommended Citation
Reprinted from California Fish and Game, Volume 59, Issue 1, January 1, 1973, pages 73-88.
Sixty-six species of fish were collected in Morro Bay between January, 1968 and December, 1970. The bay was divided into five ecological zones. Zone I was characterized by sandy beaches with little algae and contained 10 species. Zone II contained 35 species and was characterized by a sandy-silt bottom with some Zostera and kelp beds scattered among commercial piers. Zone III contained 31 species and was characterized by more Zostera beds and fewer commercial developments than Zone II. Zone IV contained 30 species and was characterized by large expanses of shallow Zostera beds dissected by very narrow channels. Zone V was an estuary with a mud bottom and contained 13 species. Thirty-seven percent of the catch belonged to the family Embiotocidae of which the black perch and shiner perch contributed 22% of the catch. Twelve species were captured during six or more months of the year and probably are annual residents. Twenty-six species were collected during a single month and probably are seasonal or occasional visitors.
Publisher statement
Published by the California Department of Fish and Game. Journal homepage: