"Variability in Measured and Modelled Remote Sensing Reflectance for Co" by Sasha Tozzi, Oscar Schofield et al.


A large database of in situ bio-optical measurements were collected at the LEO-15 (Long-term Ecosystem Observatory) off the southern coast of New Jersey, USA. The data were used to quantify the impact of coastal upwelling on near-shore bulk apparent (AOP) and inherent (IOP) optical properties. There was good qualitative agreement between the AOPs and IOPs in space and time. The measured IOPs were used as inputs to the Hydrolight radiative transfer model (RTE). Estimated spectral AOPs from the RTE were strongly correlated (generally R2>0.80) to measured AOPs. If optical closure between in-water measurements was achieved then the RTE was used to construct the spectral remote sensing reflectance. The modelled remote sensing reflectances were compared to satellite-derived reflectance estimates from four different algorithms. Quantitative agreement between the satellite-measured and in-water modelled remote sensing reflectance was good but results were variable between the different models. The strength of the correlation and spectral consistency was variable with space and time. Correlations were strongest in clear offshore waters and lowest in the near-shore turbid waters. In the near-shore waters, the correlation was strongest for blue wavelengths (400-555 nm) but lower for the red wavelengths of light.



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This is an electronic version of an article published in The International Journal of Remote Sensing.

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