"Pleistocene Terrestrial Vertebrates from near Point San Luis, and Othe" by George T. Jefferson, Harry L. Fierstine et al.


Terrestrial vertebrate remains were recovered from sediments that lie on remnants of the lowest marine wave-cut platform between Point Buchon and Point San Luis. Uranium series ages of these samples, which range from 83 to about 49 ka suggest a correlation to late Pleistocene climatic and eustatic events associated with marine oxygen isotope substage 5a, and establish a maximum age of ≈80 ka for the occurrence of terrestrial mammal fossils. The Point San Luis area assemblage appears typical of the late Pleistocene regional vertebrate paleofauna fauna from west-central California. Five mammalian taxa are added to the Pleistocene record from San Luis Obispo County. Equus sp. cf. E. occidentalis, Camclops sp. cf. C. hesternus, and Bison antiquus were recovered from the Point San Luis area, and Mammut americanum and B. latiffons from near Morro Bay and the Carrizo Plains in castern San Luis Obispo County.



Publisher statement

Published by the Southern California Academy of Sciences.

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Biology Commons



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