
Water users across California need robust, low-cost water level/pressure sensors with integrated data loggers for a high level of precision and accuracy. The Cal Poly Irrigation Training and Research Center (ITRC) has installed Telog Instruments devices in California and Nevada over the last 12 years to provide a performance review of the devices. The two devices focused on were the Telog Instruments WLS-31 Level Tracker and LPR-31i Line Pressure Recorder. Over the study period, ITRC has collected several sets of data in varying situations. After 11 years of use on a reservoir, the two Telog WLS-31 units had a 1% difference in readings. After intensive testing, the LPR-31i has proved to be an accurate, pipeline pressure surge recorder for pressures up to 2,100 kPa. This paper discusses the capabilities of the Telog Instruments devices along with ITRC’s research experience and evaluation of the two units.


Bioresource and Agricultural Engineering

Number of Pages


Publisher statement

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