College - Author 1

College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences

Department - Author 1

Animal Science Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Animal Science



Primary Advisor

Kimberly Livingston


This study was conducted to test the whether lamb breasts can substitute as the raw material in producing a bacon product. Due to the difference in fat saturation between pork and lamb, this research was used to test how successful lamb absorbs the brine in order to make bacon. The yield results of two different processing techniques, injection and tumbling, were compared along with comparing the affect of adding a dry rub of seasonings to the lamb surface. The 120 lambs breasts were split into four groups of 30. Each group received a different treatment: plain tumbled, plain injected, seasoned tumbled, and seasoned injected. The variables were measured for their raw yield, cook yield, pick-up yield, and slice yield. The results suggest that tumbling is a more efficient method to increase the overall yields compared to the injection method. The seasoning didn’t seem to make much of an effect, except when it came to the slice yield. Overall, the lamb was able to pick up the brine and produce a sellable bacon product.
