College - Author 1

College of Architecture and Environmental Design

Department - Author 1

Architectural Engineering Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Architectural Engineering



Primary Advisor

Kevin Dong, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Architectural Engineering Department


Buckling Restrained Brace Frames (BRBs) are a lateral force resisting system providing near equal compressive and tensile capacities through the mitigation of compression buckling. BRBs have traditionally existed in the steel building market, with limited use in wood construction. The proposal of a Timber Bucking Restrained Brace Frame (TBRB) presents a BRB option for the low-rise and mid-rise wood framed market, using readily available materials within the low/mid-rise construction cost bracket. Five previous TBRB iterations have been built and tested, with results showing promising results for further TBRB development and exploration. The sixth and current iteration of the TBRB builds upon the findings of previous iterations and presents two designs, one using rectangular confinement and sufficient per testing using the AISC 341 BRB testing protocol, and one using round confinement warranting further development. The findings from this research show the viability of timber as a confinement material for BRBs and leaves room for the further exploration of these designs in a professional testing facility.
