"Smith Property Pre-Engineered Metal Barn" by Trent Arjay Olmstead

College - Author 1

College of Architecture and Environmental Design

Department - Author 1

Architectural Engineering Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Architectural Engineering



Primary Advisor

Peter Laursen, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Architectural Engineering Department


The Smith Residence Barn is a pre-engineered metal building designed to provide additional storage and workspace. The Architectural design was created by the Nunno Corporation, a San Luis Obispo based steel building general contractor. The soils report was created by Mid-Coast Geotechnical, INC. and the report’s conclusions were used for determining site conditions related to the foundation and lateral force system design. The structural calculations and plans were created by Trent Olmstead and reviewed by Brian Marc-Aurele, SE and Chris Murphy, SE. All calculations were done in accordance with the 2022 CBC, ASCE 7-16, 2023 AISC, ACI 318-19, and AISI S100-2013. The building is a steel structure utilizing both Cold-Formed Steel and Hot-Rolled Steel structural components. This report will cover the structural design and how the architectural design influenced the structural systems for the building. Also covered is how site conditions and design challenges effected the final design of the structure. The projects overall potential impact will also be covered, specifically the global, economic, political, environmental, and societal impacts.
