College - Author 1

College of Architecture and Environmental Design

Department - Author 1

Architectural Engineering Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Architectural Engineering

College - Author 2

College of Architecture and Environmental Design

Department - Author 2

Architectural Engineering Department

Degree - Author 2

BS in Architectural Engineering

College - Author 3

College of Architecture and Environmental Design

Department - Author 3

Architectural Engineering Department

Degree - Author 3

BS in Architectural Engineering



Primary Advisor

Craig V Baltimore, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Architectural Engineering Department


During the Winter Quarter of 2020, three Architectural Engineering students investigated a new type of timber product, dowel laminated timber, for their senior project. Dowel laminated timber (DLT) is a specialty product typically associated with sustainable design and is a form of mass timber. The three students had little knowledge about mass timber outside of a timber design course; their knowledge was primarily in wood framing design. Therefore, the topic was chosen because dowel laminated timber is a topic that holds a large learning opportunity not only for the students but also for the profession. The purpose of the senior project was to investigate dowel laminated timber through fabricating specimens, analyze the performance of the specimens, and improve professional standards.

Final presentation.pdf (14974 kB)
