College - Author 1

College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences

Department - Author 1

Agricultural Education and Communication Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Agricultural Science



Primary Advisor

Megan Silcott, College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Education and Communication Department


This project is about assessing the land erosion caused by California wildfires and how that erosion continues to affect farmers and ranchers across the state. Existing erosion assessments for northern California wildfires, through Geo-Engineering Solutions, will provide some supplemental data that can be used for the project. Watershed and erosion reports from the US Geological Survey will also be used. The Adam’s Canyon ranch in Santa Paula, California, will be used as an example since the Thomas Fire consumed the majority of the ranch and it was imperative the resulting erosion damage had to be attended to over the last couple of years.

Success would entail finding out how extensive the erosion damage within California is, and concurrently, what will have to be done to prepare for future because the fires, which are predicted to become increasingly more intense. This puts ranchers and farmers at further risk than just fire damage.
