College - Author 1

College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences

Department - Author 1

Agricultural Education and Communication Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Agricultural Science



Primary Advisor

Megan Silcott


Employee training is vital to any company and essential for an organization’s success (UMA S. N, 2013). Job training is defined as the process of enhancing the skills, capabilities and knowledge of employees doing a particular job (Schappel, 2016). Regarding job training, 76% of employees have reported this type of training is most important when obtaining a new job (Schappel, 2016). Not only is training desired amongst employees but it also improves morale of employees, decreases the need for employee supervision, increases chances of promotions, and increases employee productivity (UMA S. N, 2013). One training opportunity that companies utilize is training manuals, which are useful resources for new employees and an effective way to pass on skills and tasks to complete the job (UMA S. N, 2013).

The Santa Barbara County Fair (SBCF), held at the Santa Maria Fairpark, experiences high levels of office turnover with new interns every few years (Acquistapace, 2017). Consistent employee turnover, creates a difficult onboarding process needed to successfully run the entire entries office effectively. With the combination of the shifting employees and a lack of training, a manual including office duties, tasks and steps is crucial to maintain SBCF operations.

Heidi Morisoli Senior Project Poster.pptx (862 kB)
Santa Barbara County Fair Entries Office Manual Visual Poster
