College - Author 1
College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences
Department - Author 1
Agricultural Education and Communication Department
Degree Name - Author 1
BS in Agricultural Communication
Primary Advisor
Megan Silcott
College campus tours are an extremely important process to making a selection for where students will attend college. In fact, it has been concluded that campus tours are the most influential part of a students’ college decision (Cohen, 2009). A campus tour allows students to experience aesthetics of the campus environment, community of campus and personal interactions (Okerson, 2016). Although students who participate in a campus tour are twice as likely to attend the university they visited, students do not always choose the university they toured, but do leave with a better understanding about the institution and what they offer (Brown 2010).
Utilizing the role of Poly Reps and the thousands of campus visitors they come in contact with, there are two main areas of opportunity. The first is the opportunity to implement a structure for easier training, as well as, overall campus visitor experience. The second opportunity is to use the newly created structure to provide an example for Poly Reps to use when talking about CAFES. Applying the newly created structure to CAFES as recommended in this report will supply Poly Reps and campus visitors with a greater understanding of the agriculture industry—improving agricultural communication and education, while recruiting prospective students to Cal Poly.