"California State 4-H Interview Contest and Manual" by Kelly M. Bishop

College - Author 1

College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences

Department - Author 1

Agricultural Education and Communication Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Agricultural Science



Primary Advisor

Bill Kellogg


The identified problem for this project is a lack of information and practice for youth to feel confident in effectively presenting themselves in interview settings. The purpose of this project is to provide youth information on how to prepare for an interview and how to put these necessary life skills into practice. It also provides a contest where the skills can be practiced and refined. The manual created in this project is the vessel for the needed information and provides the necessary guidelines and materials for continuing this contest at various levels.

This project included a base evaluation contest in 2008, a 128-page manual compiled to include lessons on preparing for an interview and contest guidelines with materials, and a second evaluation contest in 2009. The project was evaluated on criteria set by the client, the California State 4-H Program, and included: if the manual met the contest’s participants needs, if the contest was held, the number of participants, and if the contest was an overall success through the guidelines of the manual.

The findings deemed this project successful as all evaluation criteria were met. The manual was able to condense an incredible amount of information and able to stand as an information resource and organizer’s guide. The 208% growth in contest participants illustrated that the contest addressed an interest and need of life skills by youth for workforce and adult life preparedness.
