Agricultural Education and Communication
Degree Name
MS in Agriculture - Agricultural Education
Bill Kellogg
The California Agriculture Incentive Grant provides special funding for secondary Agricultural Education programs in California. In order to qualify for funding, programs are required to meet several “Quality Criteria,” which are designed to improve each program and ensure funds are used appropriately. Each program goes through an annual review process on a three year rotation. During year one, the program conducts a self-review using the “Quality Criteria,” followed by an advisory committee review during year two and a California Department of Education Official (Agricultural Education Regional Supervisor) review during year three. These reviews ensure that students are receiving a quality agriculture education and that each program continues to improve over time. This document is an example of evidence of each “Quality Criteria” that a program may be asked to provide and is organized such that the quality criteria can be evaluated in order. A review of the program has also been provided in the appendix section, with analysis on the program’s strengths and opportunities for growth. Any student information has been blacked out to protect student privacy.