College - Author 1

College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences

Department - Author 1

Agribusiness Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Agricultural Business



Primary Advisor

Carol Sexton, College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences, Agribusiness Department


This study was conducted to define the current situation between contracted seasonal workers and farm labor contractors in the Stockton area. Specifically, this study focuses on the perception workers have of farm labor contracted employment. It also addresses the perception farm labor contractors have on the contracting business.

To gather the information needed to compare perceptions, interviews with twelve contracted seasonal workers and two farm labor contractors were conducted in Stockton. The analysis process consists of a detailed account of the problems workers and farm labor contractors encounter in the farm labor contracting business.

The results of these interviews concluded that overall contracted seasonal workers believe they are being mistreated by farm labor contractors. It was determined that the most affected area is wages.

This case study is designed to give insight into the current working conditions farm laborers have to endure. The literature review provides some of the history behind this topic and the analysis provides a snapshot of the current situation. It is recommended that anyone with interest in this topic, take the time to personally experience this field by visiting labor camps, talking to workers, talking to farm labor contractors, etc.
