College - Author 1

College of Engineering

Department - Author 1

Aerospace Engineering Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Aerospace Engineering



Primary Advisor

Kira Abercromby, College of Engineering, Aerospace Engineering Department


An Electromagnetic Railgun (EMRG) was designed, built, and tested, capable of firing a projectile a 1 gram projectile at 650 m/s muzzle velocity. The EMRG utilizes an injector, a high voltage power supply, a capacitor bank, inductors and rails. The injector fires 2300 psig Nitrogen gas into the system to provide an initial velocity. The high voltage power supply charges the capacitor bank. The capacitor bank discharges the electric potential built up through the projectile while inside the rails in order to create the EMRG’s force. The inductors are used to pulse form the capacitor bank in order to get acceleration in more of the EMRG barrel. The barrel consists of two parallel copper bars encased in Garolite-11, Teflon, and Fiberglass. These subsystems all work together for a remote firing of the EMRG during testing. Testing showed that a 0V test resulted in 70 m/s velocity, a 20V test resulted in 165 m/s and 420V test resulted in a minimum of 650 m/s.
