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Published in 2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings, June 10, 2012, pages 25.1271.1-25.1271.12.
ABET accreditation criteria changed substantially at the turn of the century changing from a prescriptive, curricular-based standard to an outcomes-based approach for accreditation. The new system named Engineering Criteria (EC) 2000 required engineering programs to consult with their constituencies to establish program objectives and outcomes that define what their graduates will attain several years after graduation and at the time of graduation, respectively. The accreditation process involves assessing the degree to which graduates are attaining these outcomes and objectives and using the results to make changes and continuously improve the program. Most engineering programs have now been through two cycles of accreditation under the new system. There have been some growing pains, adjustments, and changes to the accreditation process since it was initially implemented. This paper is in direct response to the session proposed by the CE Division of ASEE on the reflections of ABET over the past ten years from the perspective of program directors, program evaluators and members of the ASCE Committee on Curricula and Accreditation. This paper offers the perspectives and reflections from a full professor who has directed two different programs (Civil Engineering and Architectural Engineering) at two different locations through successful accreditation visits under this system. The author is also a seasoned program evaluator who has made ten ABET accreditation visits (one per year) to ten different CE and AE programs over the past decade.
Architectural Engineering
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