
Many questions plague graduate students as they begin the transition from doctoral student to faculty member. While current mentors (e.g., advisors and faculty members) and future colleagues are integral to the process, it is also the responsibility of the preceding wave of recent graduates to act as informal guides, assisting students through the transition in an unbiased manner. Areas of particular interest to the soon-to-be professorate include: (a) preparing for the job search and faculty interview, (b) navigating the final stages of the dissertation process, and (c) the transition from student to professor. In addition to these key factors, the individual's integration into a new (a) location, (b) program/department, and (c) institution - including new ideas, ideals, and philosophies - are a vital part of an individual's metamorphosis (Marino & Yost, 1998). While the former tends to be addressed through various internal channels, the latter is often overlooked until the individual joins his or her respective faculty. As such, a panel of junior faculty members with diverse backgrounds and current appointments at various 'types' of academic institutions has been assembled to share their experiences and assist (i.e., mentor) doctoral students along this journey.


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URL: https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/rpta_fac/26