
The ultimate goals of research and community service projects are to improve how students learn. In architecture, teaching methods should serve as the bridge to industry, helping students to contextualize their class work in the light of their projections for future industry roles. Above all, emphasizing creativity in all its forms in this learning environment is important. Meaningful work by individual students and interdisciplinary collaborative teams must be of the highest quality in order for its contribution to have value. Knitting all of this together is the learning environment, which must provide a mechanism for capture and documentation. The process of learning should make for a collaborative and inclusive environment so all voices are heard. It should create a continuous dialogue of issues, which naturally extends beyond the classroom. It should feed itself and evolve as the learners grow. CIDS provides the opportunity to interweave scholarship with academia, professional development with research and service at local and national levels, and creativity with collaborative student teamwork. CIDS establishes a theoretical and procedural foundation for the effective utilization of digital media in the design and collaborative process. As important are the skills, awareness and attitudes that students need to develop in order to succeed in the current media-driven environment. CIDS exists as a bridge between diverse disciplines and systems of learning. Its focus on digital media, through the use of a range of advanced computer technology, is a necessary enhancement to the design process, and decisions made concurrent with that process.



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Architecture Commons



URL: https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/arch_fac/48