"AS-972-24 Resolution on Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) Policy" by Academic Senate Curriculum Committee and Ad Hoc Work Group on Credit for Prior Learning

Resolution Contents

Adopts the attached policy on Credit for Prior Learning, and further resolves that faculty and staff serving as CPL coordinators, challenge exam administrators, portfolio assessors, or evaluators of other outside credit will be compensated for their service to a degree commensurate with the required additional workload; and further resolves that the Academic Senate recommends, that before this policy goes into effect, the Campus Fee Advisory Committee in consultation with the Office of the Provost determine the appropriate fees to be charged students for the evaluation of challenge exams and CPL portfolios to offset the additional faculty and staff workload and whether these fees may be waived in specific circumstances, and that these fees be regularly reviewed, and further resolves that the Academic Senate recommends that a staff assignment of Credit for Prior Learning Coordinator be established, with responsibilities such as described in Appendix II of the attached policy; and further resolves that after this policy goes into effect the Office of the Registrar will work to identify currently matriculated veterans and service members and award retroactive C2 credit as described in Section 5.a.v of the attached policy to eligible active students; and further resolves that after this policy goes into effect currently matriculated students will have a one term ‘grace period’ to apply for CPL that they may have been eligible for at the time of their first enrollment at Cal Poly.

President's Response to Resolution




URL: https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/senateresolutions/972