"AS-899-20 Resolution on Assessing Course Materials for Accessibility" by Academic Senate Instruction Committee

Resolution Contents

That the university support the development and implementation of instructional technology to assess and improve accessibility of teaching materials both for the faculty in their normal instructional preparation and for students who need course materials to be rendered into accessible forms. RESOLVED: The university shall provide instructional design tools and training to assess course materials for accessibility. RESOLVED: The university shall provide resources and support to render course materials accessible if deemed inadequate to meet the requirements for accessibility. RESOLVED: Faculty who use the LMS and other university sanctioned and supported tools to assess course materials for accessibility shall meet the requirement to facilitate the university in rendering course materials accessible. RESOLVED: The university will provide training and support for faculty moving teaching materials into the LMS. RESOLVED: Faculty who host course materials on platforms or utilize web resources other than those sanctioned or supported by the university shall facilitate the university’s assessment of the accessibility of their course materials.

President's Response to Resolution




URL: https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/senateresolutions/887