"AS-902-20 Resolution on Suspending Credit / No Credit Grading Restrict" by Academic Senate Executive Committee

Resolution Contents

that any courses taken in Fall Quarter 2020 not be counted toward the 16-unit limit as specified in “Resolution on Credit / No Credit Grading” (AS 479-97), and be it further RESOLVED that the 4-unit Credit/No Credit limit for General Education courses be suspended for Fall Quarter 2020, and be it further RESOLVED that any changes to the 4-unit Credit/No Credit limit regarding major, minor, or support courses for Fall Quarter 2020 shall continue to be determined by the individual academic programs, and be it further resolved that after the 8th day of Fall Quarter 2020, Cal Poly give students one option to change their grading option to Credit/No Credit until the last day of instruction, and be it further resolved that Cal Poly include a notation on all transcripts about COVID in order to provide context to Fall Quarter 2020 grading.

President's Response to Resolution




URL: https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/senateresolutions/884