"AS-871-19 Resolution on Supporting Library Collections Necessary for F" by Academic Senate Faculty Affairs Committee

Resolution Contents

In January 2019, the Academic Senate of the California State University, unanimously passed resolution (AS-3351-18/FGA/AA (Rev)), calling on the Chancellor’s Office to increase funding for the ECC to address rising costs and continue to reap the advantages of collective purchasing power; therefore be it that the Academic Senate of Cal Poly affirm its support of the resolution passed by the Academic Senate of the California State University, calling on the Chancellor’s Office to increase funding for the ECC; and be it further that the Dean of Library Services* be invited to address the Academic Senate annually to provide a report on the state of collections expenditures at both the centralized and local levels.

President's Response to Resolution




URL: https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/senateresolutions/868