"AS-850-18 Resolution on Creation of Area B7 and Migration of Current A" by General Education Governance Board

Resolution Contents

That Area B, currently named as "Science and Mathematics," will be renamed, "Math, Science, and Quantitative Reasoning," beginning with the 2019-21 Cal Poly catalog; and be it further that as an interim step, Area F will become a subset of Area B known as B7, beginning with the 2019-21 catalog; and be it further that all current Area F courses will be moved to the new Area B7; and be it further that all the Area B learning objectives will be revised to reflect Area B objectives in the revised EO 1100; and be it further that, to remain in the new Area B7 for the 2021-2023 catalog and subsequent catalogs, all existing Area F courses will need to be resubmitted for review by the GE Governance Board and the Academic Senate Curriculum Committee under the new learning objectives.

President's Response to Resolution




URL: https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/senateresolutions/848