College - Author 1

College of Liberal Arts

Department - Author 1

Psychology and Child Development Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Psychology



Primary Advisor

Michael Selby, Laura Freberg


To understand the relationship between BMI and sleep patterns in Cal Poly Freshman (First years) over the course of their first year at Cal Poly. First year students were recruited via campus email to fill out a survey regarding various health aspects. The survey was filled out at the beginning of the year (Fall 2009), and again in June (Spring 2010). The questions used in this study only pertained to height, weight, sleep quantity, and sleep quantity satisfaction rating. The results were not significant for the cross sectional analysis of the Fall 2009 sample and the Spring 2010 sample. The longitudinal results were also not significant. There was no association between BMI and hours slept per night in Cal Poly first year students. There was a 4% increase in students that were overweight or obese from Fall to Spring, however, indicating that there may be other factors indicating to the students weight gain.
