College - Author 1

College of Liberal Arts

Department - Author 1

World Languages and Cultures Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BA in Modern Languages and Literatures



Primary Advisor

Silvia Marijuan, College of Liberal Arts, World Languages and Cultures Department


This Modern Languages and Literatures senior project investigates and analyses the successes and struggles of implementing a dual immersion program through interviews with three dual immersion principles. In interviewing three highly experienced administrators, ample information was collected on why some programs are prosperous while others see little success. Each individual principal had unique and valuable input, especially with regard to why their respective schools changed programs from 50/50 to 90/10, why they implemented K-12, and even why they chose to eliminate the program entirely. Using supplemental studies to more thoroughly examine the historical and social context of dual immersion, this paper looked to understand the patterns of success and struggle that make dual immersion so complex. There has long been vehement debate surrounding both the kind of bilingual education that is most successful as well as whether it is necessary at all. This paper investigates the cognitive and social implications of dual immersion, demonstrating that bilingual education can be extremely beneficial for all as long as it is mindful of the practices necessary for success. It became clear that the cultural considerations in a bilingual education program are equally as important as the academic aspect, if not more so. The administrator interviews coupled with several studies focused on bilingual education produced four primary areas to focus on when implementing a dual immersion program. The four main considerations consist of providing appropriate materials to students and teachers, creating a robust curriculum, supporting families in need of additional help and encouraging participation, and maintaining a culturally competent and inclusive classroom. This paper thoroughly discusses these points in depth and provides recommendations based on the collected knowledge of bilingual education, specifically dual immersion.
